This is the spot to check on the happenings of the Fireside Horseshoe Club. If you would like something posted get in touch with Starla.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Weekly Update and Tournament Results

We have some congratulations in order !

June 14 - Buffalo Open I

Class A
1st Phil Plote
2nd Ron Nostdal
Class B
2nd Don Edwards

June 21 - Hulett Open
Class A
1st Phil Plotke

June 22 - George Willey Memorial (Hulett)
Class A

1st Starla Kuhrt
3rd Don Edwards

League Updates

We are finally caught up due to the rain on the first night. The standings next week should all be up-to-date. Congratulations to Robin who is currently standing in 1st Place !!

Rick started replacing the back board on several of the pits. To come (yep - another work night) will be to prime and paint the backstops, cut down the weeds at the end of the parking lot and get the trim on the shed painted.

We are looking for idea on how to secure the new picnic tables.. If you have any ideas, please get with Rick or Chris.

Thanks about it for now !!!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 10, 2008 - First Night

Well, I do hope that everyone has dried out. It appears that everyone got their first game in, though we got sprinkled on, at least I think one might call that a sprinkle. Some people finished the second game and others ended in the middle. I think what will happen is next week everyone will need to finish the 2nd game. We will then try and get four games in after that, three from Week #2 and the final game from Week #1 (last night).

Hang in there everyone. I am sure that there are many sunny days to come.

Again, if any one wants to carpool to Buffalo on Sunday, give me a call.


Wednesday, June 04, 2008


The season is finally underway, despite all the rain. It appears that we will have somewhere between 30-35 players. Tournament schedules, league rules, and business cards were handed out prior to pitching. The league officially starts on 06/10/08 and will run thru 08/12/08. The club tournaments, along with RC Enterprise and CSI, will be held on August 16th and 17th. The club is also hosting state tournament on August 30th -31st.

I want to thank everyone that worked on the pits this year. With the large amount of rain we received, it was difficult fitting the work nights in. But with everyones help the courts were ready to go at game time...Again a big THANK YOU.

If you are artistic, we are looking for a patch design for state tournament. Please let me know if you are interested.

Starla ~ dblrngr